If you are new to the Guild or to the ARTscape building, please note the following room directions:
Entering 268 Keefer from Keefer street:
Walk on the left side of the lobby, ignoring the escalator in the centre.
Look to your left — you will see a few steps going up to the elevators.
For the library, take the elevator to the 4th floor. Exit the elevator and go to your left where you will see a bright red door into a hallway. Go through it and walk down the hall to the last door on your right. This is the library (#408).
For the presentation, take the elevator to the 3rd floor. Exit the elevator and go to your left where you will see a bright red door into a hallway. Go through it and walk down the hall to room #308. (Just inside #308 the washroom access code is posted. The washroom is a few steps further down the hall and on your left.)
If you enter the building from the parkade, take the elevator to the 3rd or 4th floor and follow the above directions.