

  • To encourage further education in weaving, spinning and dyeing.
  • To help members attend educational events.
  • To provide financial assistance without having to demonstrate financial need.


  1. The total funding available for scholarships consists of the amount approved in the Annual  Budget.
  2. Each award is flexible and depends on the amount of funding available, the number of  applicants, and the proposed projects.
  3. Decisions made by the Scholarship Committee are :inal. The Committee may make  recommendations to an applicant, however, and accept a revised submission.
  4. The Scholarship Committee will consist of the President, one member of the Standards  Committee appointed by that Committee, and one member of the Guild appointed by the  Board of Directors.

Scholarship Committee

  • Publicizes the availability of Scholarships to the membership in newsletters, on the website and
    through verbal communication.
  • Receives applications for awards, meets to discuss them, and decides on approval or non-approval.
  • Provides a letter confirming the amount and purpose of the scholarship.

Application Process

Applicants are asked to submit a letter:

  • Explaining the purpose and amount of the request for scholarship.
  • Documenting course or tuition fees as well as course content, if applicable.
  • Stating whether they have received a GVWSG Scholarship before, and if so when.
  • Outlining their volunteering and/or participation in the Guild.
  • Detailing how they will convey their experience to the Guild e.g. newsletter article with  photos, website feature, show and tell presentation, or other format.

In the case of multiple applicants, priority will be given to applicants who have not received an  award in the previous two years.

Successful applicants collect their scholarship by submitting their tuition receipt and  documentation of attendance to the GVWSG Treasurer. They must submit an Annual Report to the  President at year end.

Approved April 25, 2019